Friday 11 May 2012

Android application development

Google is the creator of Android, mobile operating system. With it, the company has added an extra option in the world of Android mobile application development. Android app development facilitates business with many possibilities for creating applications. It is certain to help businesses to expand and generate more revenue. Android is open source, which makes it even more lucrative. Android Market System facilitates the free use of resources for programming or application development and distribution of applications developed. It enables developers and providers to make requests directly available in the target segment. Android app development has a wide range of options and structure such that the risk of financial losses and valued customers is minimized.

The simplicity of using the tools available for developing Android applications and ease of implementation has increased the popularity of Android application development. The process is very simple and includes all registration, application development, and finally the download edition. The market is very open. It helps developers to create applications to publish at their own discretion.
Android developers are also able to judge the applications performance based on feedback from the users, which is readily available. Mobile users can also check and directly download Android applications and give their opinion.

 This makes it easier for the developer to get information on the application’s use and the difficulties faced. Based on these observations, the developer has the ability to improve or make changes in development of Android applications. Developer may also know the market needs and preferences.