Thursday, 10 May 2012

Affordable Android Application Development by Outsource Android Development Company

Android is a software stack for mobile devices that include an operating system, middle-ware and key applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language. Android is a mobile operating system initially developed by Android Inc. and in year 2005 it was acquired by Google Inc.

Advantages of using Android Application Development:

    It makes comprehensive use of technologies like GSM, EDGE, CDMA, Wi-Fi for data transfer through mobile networks.

    Android Application Development makes use of design libraries with 2-D and 3D graphics.

    Along with this a Professional Android Application Development uses Image, audio and video libraries for better features.

    With Professional Android Application Development you can get the most needed features like high-resolution Video camera, Touchscreen, accelerometer and GPS system.

    An Android Application Development uses SQLite module integrated for data storage.

    Android Application Development proved out to be a low budget application.

    It is an open-source and thus cost-effective.

    Android application development is also very well suited for Inter-Application Integration.

Major reason for the advancement of Professional Android Application Development is simplicity of using the tools available for Android application development and the ease with which it can be used. The process is very simple, just a development of applications for registration, downloads, and finally published. The market is open. This allows developers to publish applications according to their discretion. Android Application Development has a wide range of options and has a structure that minimizes the risk of financial losses and customer value.

Why to avail Android application development?

    Android application development is profitable because it is open source.

    Android application developers can use to give a vivid imagination of the Android SDK, creating applications for Android.

    C / C + + and Java programming language is used in Android application development. Therefore, developers find it easy, who have work experience in these languages.

    Developers can call the code so that it can be useful to create multiple applications.

    Android not only allows developers to focus on time and development, but to understand the other needs of customers.

    The stability of the performance and security is fantastic here, and therefore the operating system is easy to use without having to worry about security.

    Porting of applications is seamless.

    Investment is less than the application on the development of other systems and also the time required to create an application is less.

    Android facilitates quick information gathering and precise information.

Professional Android Application Development is a different science. The programmer must not only understand the nuances of specific programming for the Android, but must also consider how to prepare for the creative application can be widely adapted to users around the world. Professional Android Application Development is well supported, which is an open development platform. This gave the developers the opportunity to produce creative and innovative applications. They are free to take advantage of component failure, the location information, set the new ads, and run multiple applications simultaneously. The reuse of components and support applications to reduce waste of all kinds.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Android Game Development and iPhone Game Development – Device Perspective Part 1

I have discussed about iPhone Game Development and Android Game Development before, but bit long time ago. So, let’s give it a fresh look and see if there any change in the scenario or methodology and is iPhone Game Development still a pleasant thing in the market and first choice for clients? I hope this article will be useful to you in deciding of converting your game idea into reality.

I have been writing articles from some time now, being in the famous apps and iPhone Game Development and Android Game Development company Morpheous it has been privilege to share some information on the experience we have in the company about the apps and game development. As we work in open environment, I have been always helped by my colleagues about putting all useful links together and joining the dots, and I will be always thankful to those who help and inspire me in writing all this. So, let’s come to the point. What is that which makes iPhone Game Development and Android Game Development different? What is that which makes iPhone games anybody’s first choice before launching their games in other platforms?

Answer is simple, Device and App Store. But this does not mean that the scenario is as same as 6 months before when I wrote same article explaining the market share and development feasibility from iPhone Game Development and Android Game Development perspective. People are loyal to whatever Apple has rolled out so far and they did have retained their customers well. But the trend is changing and if Apple will not do something more on the look and feel of their hardware, then soon they might have to face the revise trend. As Samsung jumping in with all guns, it’s now became cut throat competition, and sales of Samsung based smartphones are ever increasing. With takeover of Nokia, Samsung has not only made itself a smartphone giant but has projected Android OS as their main stream mobile phone OS with even disregarding their own Bada.

This can be a game changer. Apple must take steps more carefully and blocking features to its users might not just work as well as it did from the beginning. With Samsung devices becoming more and more powerful, it is really more interesting to see what Apple will bring on their main stream iPhone device on next update. I will put more info on iPhone Game Development and Android Game Development from hardware perspective in my next article, till then Happy Gaming!!!