Sunday, 4 March 2012

Android Application Development and iPhone Apps Development Market Demand Analysis

With Launch of Android Google has made sure to give Apple some sleepless nights. Almost losing the battle with Nexus one getting hammered by critics and ultra low customer response, Google got caught unaware by bitterness of Mobile handset market, which not everything which looks good gets successful. After 2 years of change in OS and making it support about 600 types of different handsets, Google is changing the game now. Both devices have almost identical hearts, "Apps". No apps - no device selling. No good apps - less device selling. So, what Android Application Development and iPhone Apps Development market says? What is market demand of the same?

From 2007 iPhone Apps Development market is on rise, due to very high demand from the market and as more and more powerful iPhone getting introduced every 18 months or so. There was a slight fall in 2009 due to world economic crisis by what we have seen is not a big fall, requirements came steadily. Android Application Development on the other hand, did not have good reception at the first point. Blame can be given to both its poor development environment and dumb devices and also cost of the devices. But that has been solved with Google shaking hands with some of the most innovative companies, who gave the most needed success and popularity to Android OS.

Let's talk about Apps market. What we see right now is iPhone Apps Development is on rise but we do not see any pick as what we see for Android Application Development. It Android App market is getting good amount of downloads and also getting more news apps every day, then it was getting before. When we talked to one of the Android Application Development and iPhone Apps Development Company, Morpheous, they said there is indeed increase in the requirements for Android apps. iPhone Apps market on the other hand is stable. So, if we say from the overall perspective, android market is on rise and will be getting close to iPhone apps market. We are keeping close watch and will update you time to time.

So, if you really have some great ideas for iPhone Apps Development or Android Application Development, it is time for you to make it real. I hope this article will help you in getting very basic information on the market review for iPhone apps or Android applications.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

iPhone Game Development & iPhone Application Development Simplified From Client's view - Part 1

For all those who are new to this field for development and also to get your iPhone Application Development or iPhone Game Development done, this articles will provide you enough information to begin with. I am Nicholas (that's my alias) from a well known App and Game Development company Morpheous, writing few articles every month, hoping to spread some info of what I have learned and learning from these fields. Information I share over here is based on my experience and you might not always agree to it, but what I try to bring here is truth and to share what otherwise you might not be able to get before you get into it.

iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development as the names suggests are surely two different paths to walk on and also to face different challenges. If you want iPhone Application Development done and convert your idea into reality, you need to have some basic features of your idea ready and also make sure that what you want is not already there and selling well, you surely don't want to re-invent the wheel don't you? So, most important thing is you get all the specs ready. There might be some information or features you are not sure about, keep it on the list to ask the developer company you choose of possibility of implementing it.

Choosing a company for iPhone Application Development and iPhone Game Development is also one of the important things which you need to make sure you do right, else no matter how much you spend, it's not going to give you anything back. Well, I do advise to go through first 10 or 20 results of Google and contact the companies you like. Makes sure company you choose are creative and has done something good with their own sites, because trust me, all of other will look same, and that's where my company is different, but please make sure the team you choose does have zest to create and innovate. Else it will be all "Everybody Does the Same" and "All looks same" thing which will haunt you whole time.

I hope this will be good for the starting for information on iPhone Game Development and iPhone Application Development. I will cover more info and details in upcoming parts and hope it will provide you more details and give you enough info so that you can surely get the job done and convert your idea into reality.